Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Exams in Houston

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A Variety of Contact Lens Options

At Riz Eye Care, we strive to give you options when it comes to your contact lenses. Before you can consider what contact lenses are right for you’ll need a comprehensive contact lens exam and fitting to get that secure and comfortable fit for your new lenses. 

Contact lenses offer a nice change of pace from your prescription glasses and we offer a variety of brands and specialty lenses for you to explore!

Looking to get new contact lenses? Schedule your contact lens exam and fitting today to get started. 

A Closer Look at Your Contact Lens Exam & Fitting

Contact lenses offer the same vision correction that your prescription glasses do. They can be worn to correct refractive errors like:

During the exam, our team reviews your lifestyle needs and preferences to determine what type of lenses could best benefit you and your visual needs. Part of our contact lens exam is determining your new contact lenses’ comfort and vision correction.

Following comprehensive testing, we begin the fitting process by assessing the health of the cornea to ensure that you can wear contact lenses comfortably. Our team will fit you with trial lenses and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your comfort with your new lenses.

Your Contact Lens Options

At Riz Eye Care, we offer several options when it comes to your contact lenses. Contact lenses fall under 2 main categories, soft contact lenses, and rigid gas permeable (RGP). Specialty lenses fall under these main categories and help solve different vision issues.

Scleral contact lenses can be an excellent option if you’re unable to wear contacts because of conditions like dry eye disease or keratoconus.

Scleral lenses are designed to be larger than traditional contacts and rest on the sclera or white of your eyes. This design allows for extra space over your cornea’s surface for extra breathability by acting as a fluid reservoir to provide comfort for dry eyes.

Aspheric contact lenses are designed to control the average spherical aberration in the lens and human eye. Spherical aberration is the inability of a lens to focus light on a common point.

Aspheric contact lenses can focus light and offer clearer, sharper vision.

Toric contact lenses are designed to correct astigmatism. These lenses feature multiple powers, one vertical and the other horizontal. These multiple powers help correct nearsightedness and farsightedness. Toric lenses are typically weighted to help maintain the correct orientation on the eye.

Multifocal contact lenses can feature a bifocal or trifocal design with different lens powers to correct vision at varying distances. Multifocal lenses help correct presbyopia and can alleviate the need for reading glasses.

Multifocal lenses are available in soft and RGP options and are designed for daily or extended overnight wear.

Hybrid contact lenses are a combination of a rigid gas permeable (RGP) and soft contact design. These lenses feature an RGP center surrounded by a soft outer ring.

Hybrid contact lenses address keratoconus, which is an irregular corneal curvature. These lenses can sometimes be more comfortable to wear than traditional RGP lenses.

Get Your New Contact Lenses Today

At Riz Eye Care, our contact lens exam and fitting are designed with your comfort and safety in mind. When you visit us for your contact lens exam, you can expect different options and a knowledgeable team to help you find the right contact lenses for your visual needs.

Having an up-to-date prescription for your contact lenses is always helpful; schedule your contact lens exam and fitting with us today.

Our Locations

Riz Eye Care has 6 locations around the greater Houston metropolitan area.


  • 9451 FM 1960 Bypass Rd W
  • Humble, TX 77338


  • 9555 S. Post Oak Rd
  • Houston, TX 77096


  • 345 Hwy 6
  • Sugarland, TX 77478

The Woodlands

  • 10001 Woodlands Pkwy.
  • The Woodlands, TX 77382

North Shore

  • 13750 East Fwy
  • Houston, TX 77015


  • 10388 US-59
  • Wharton, TX 77488
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